1) R 설치



R: The R Project for Statistical Computing



② Download - CRAN


③ Korea - ftp.harukasan.org/CRAN/


④ Download R for Windows


⑤ base


⑥ Download R 4.0.3 for Windows


⑦ R-4.0.3-win.exe 관리자권한으로 실행 



2) R studio 설치

① rstudio.com/


RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams

RStudio provides free and open source tools for R and enterprise-ready professional software for data science teams to develop and share their work at scale.


② product  - r studio


③ RStudio Desktop
Donload rstrudio desktop

④ Free - Download

⑤ RStudio-1.4.1103.exe


⑥ RStudio-1.4.1103.exe 관리자권한으로 실행


⑦ 경로 접속

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RStudio
Rstudio - 오른쪽 클릭 - 속성 - 호환성 - 관리자 권한으로 이 프로그램 실행


⑧ tools - global options
General - defauly working directory - C:/work/rsou
code - savig - default text encoding : UTF-8

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